Dec 22, 2016 | alberi, Art, Artist, Artista, bitonto, Carla, casa, Confessioni, Copioni, Diario, Esperienze, Experience, giovinazzo, mare, Puglia, Scripts
Arriva Natale, è finita la scuola di Lia, finiti i concerti, chiusi i progetti per il prossimo anno, io vado in vacanza. Si, in vacanza da voi 🙂 🙂 Intendo in vacanza da internet, dai laptop, dai social, dalle scadenze, dai calendari Google, dai gruppi Whatsapp....
Dec 15, 2016 | Art, Artist, Carla, concert, concert try-out, Confessions, diary, Experience, huis concert, showbusiness, Singing, songs recital, theatermusica, Theatre, theatre concert
Working from home, what a fairytale! You wake up, and after your coffee, still in your nightgown, you start to ease in your work routine. Oh, what an idyllic image. Well, flash news. It does not work like that. I sit at my piano, start to warm up my voice, yes, in my...
Dec 1, 2016 | Art, Artist, Canto, Carla, concert, Confessioni, Confessions, Diario, diary, Esperienze, evaluation of a performance, Experience, huis concert, Journey, performance, Scripts, showbusiness, Singing, song, songs recital, theatermusica, Theatre, theatre concert
My new theatre concert “My favourite things” is a reality now. Try-out is done and dusted. Room was full, piano was great, @Manuel you rock big time, voice in top form . I went for it. “Vol overgave en passie wist deze diva -jazeker, dat is ze!- het publiek in...
Nov 15, 2016 | Art, Arte, Artist, Artista, Canto, Carla, concert, concert try-out, Confessions, diary, Experience, Scripts, showbusiness, Singing, song, songs recital, theatermusica, Theatre
On Sunday, finally, I will debut my new theater concert in its first public try-out . It is called “My favourite things” and it is about …my favourite things. Singing things, that is. 🙂 Opera, jazz, dutch songs,...
Nov 4, 2016 | Art, Arte, Artist, Artista, Canto, Carla, concert, Confessions, diary, Experience, Journey, showbusiness, Singing, song, songs recital, theatermusica
Great, the try-out of a new idea and a new program is planned. We have a date! A brand new program in which my signature mix and macht of different styles will be celebrated. More a concert than a theaterpiece, still with a bit of talk in between : My favourite...
Oct 29, 2016 | Arte, Artist, Artista, bitonto, Carla, Confessioni, Copioni, Diario, diary, Esperienze, Puglia, Scripts, theatermusica
Palombaio, frazione di Bitonto , come Goro, leggo. Really? In “Le cose che non ti ho detto” scrivevo: È bella la mia gente. Bella anche nelle sue imperfezioni. Gente dignitosa, col vestito buono della domenica, stirato e lindo. Gente che si piega...