Nov 15, 2016 | Art, Arte, Artist, Artista, Canto, Carla, concert, concert try-out, Confessions, diary, Experience, Scripts, showbusiness, Singing, song, songs recital, theatermusica, Theatre
On Sunday, finally, I will debut my new theater concert in its first public try-out . It is called “My favourite things” and it is about …my favourite things. Singing things, that is. 🙂 Opera, jazz, dutch songs,...
Nov 4, 2016 | Art, Arte, Artist, Artista, Canto, Carla, concert, Confessions, diary, Experience, Journey, showbusiness, Singing, song, songs recital, theatermusica
Great, the try-out of a new idea and a new program is planned. We have a date! A brand new program in which my signature mix and macht of different styles will be celebrated. More a concert than a theaterpiece, still with a bit of talk in between : My favourite...
Oct 29, 2016 | Arte, Artist, Artista, bitonto, Carla, Confessioni, Copioni, Diario, diary, Esperienze, Puglia, Scripts, theatermusica
Palombaio, frazione di Bitonto , come Goro, leggo. Really? In “Le cose che non ti ho detto” scrivevo: È bella la mia gente. Bella anche nelle sue imperfezioni. Gente dignitosa, col vestito buono della domenica, stirato e lindo. Gente che si piega...
Oct 23, 2016 | alberi, Art, Arte, Artista, bitonto, Canto, Carla, casa, Confessioni, Copioni, Diario, Esperienze, Puglia, theatermusica, ulivo, Viaggio
Il concetto di casa è una delle tematiche che mi hanno fatto compagnia da quando ricordo, insieme al concetto di connessione tra gli esseri umani (e in fondo non è strano perchè le due cose sono inscindibili e intimamente legate). Casa è un concetto che, spinto...
Oct 8, 2016 | Art, Artist, Confessions, diary, Experience, showbusiness, theatermusica, Theatre
Last week “Een groene harts droom” finished its course. 6 months of work, 15 performers, 20 people backstage, 6 shows, and is all finished. Costumes are back to the closet, props are dismantled, everything is back to where it belonged. Music sheet...